There are many good publications about the business benefits of an open corporate culture. In addition, it seems that the trend toward more openness is simply inevitable if you want to hire and retain the best talent out there. When millennials meet the workforce, talent expects more and more of a corporate culture, as well as compensation and benefits.
Below are some principles that you can easily incorporate into your HR management to get you far.
Shifts from micromanaging to responsibility
How does this work? Each manager sets goals and holds the team accountable for their performance, giving them room for how. The complicated part is maintaining this culture on the corporate scale.
In our company’s experience, we successfully used a top-down strategy to create this type of culture throughout the company’s tissues.
Really relax your dress code!
It’s hard to remember that most of the world wears a suit to work. While jeans and sneakers can be an extreme, some flexibility from the very formal clothes naturally creates a more open vibe without any other effort. Of course, this too must be practiced entirely to be accepted
Flexible hours and flexible workplaces!
If you succeed in introducing the responsibility culture, it doesn’t matter when or where the employees actually work, if they make things work.
Of course, total flexibility naturally suits some professions better than others, since developers are the natural example. That’s probably why Silicon Valley has such an easy time with responsibility, flexibility and a relaxed dress code at work. Still, some flexibility allows for better organization of working life and benefits both employees and the company.
Collaboration between business units and geographies!
Make sure that your employees can sometimes work outside their immediate work group and business unit, for example on a cross-functional project or with a team in the same department but in a different location. Such experiences improve results, enrich employees’ experience and, of course, promote a more open culture
Leadership visibility and dialogue!
Introduce some form of dialogue with company management. Allowing some form of employee response to communication messages and some form of indirect dialogue with the CEO creates an understanding of openness and helps employees share the company’s goals.
Global ideation process
Introduce a global idea process, a way for everyone in the company to suggest things. If you feel uncomfortable doing this continuously, start with a trial for a limited time that only allows one idea per person.
If you achieve a decent level of participation, it means that you do quite well on an open cultural scale!
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